Adult Ministries


The Brotherhood Miistry consists of male members of MSBC. It offers men and boys the opportunity to meet and fellowship together. This ministry is an outgrowth of a series of vision meetings with Dr. Rodney A. Goss and the men of the church.



An Ad HOc Committee that functions during the Annual Morning Star Scholarship Day. This group works to collect monies that go to help fund teh stipends given to enrolled students. All monies collected for the Morning Star Scholarships are managed through the Morning Star Federal Credit Union.


Ministries Leadership Council

This ministry is comprised of all ministry leaders at MSBC. The ministry is designed to ensure that ministries are communicating with each other. This is also a way to keep the entire church informed of all church activities.


New Members

The New Members Ministry conducts an Orientation Program for all new members. They become acquainted with the Church's operations, mission statement, goals, objectives and organizations of the Church.


The Six-T Ministry of MSBC is a group of adults, men and women, who are fifty-five years of age and older whose philosophy is "There is no retiring in the service of the Lord." This ministry became a reality under the leadership of the late Dr. T.O. Chappelle, Sr. as the Six-T club for senior member of MSBC. The Six-T Ministry of MSBC provides fellowship and spiritual support to all senior adults of MSBC and senior adults in the community through prayer and service.

United Friends

The United Friend's Ministry's purpose is to keep the dedication to the pioneers who were instrumental in organizing MSBC and the families/descendants for continuing to support and uphold the legacy of the United Friends. It is compromised of members who united the MSBC in 1953 from Rose Hill Baptist Church along with their descendants.

Womens Missionary Union (WMU)

The WMU's main purpose is to educate and involve adults, youth and children inthe cause of Christian Missions. Although originally geared toward women and girls, both genders have become active participants in WMU Organizations and Ministries today. The mission of the WMU is to support the cause of Christ, coordinate outreach activities to MSBC members and the community, and assist individuals who faithfully support the WMU. Members are active in district, state and national women's ministries.


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